Volador FlyTech

Exploring New Horizons: Volador FlyTech Explores Innovative Funding Strategies in Collaboration with NatWest Group

In a momentous morning meeting, Volador FlyTech had the privilege of engaging with NatWest Group’s CFO, Katie Murray. The discussion unfolded into a rich exploration of NatWest’s pioneering strategies in supporting entrepreneurs and startups on their growth journey.

The discourse not only shed light on NatWest’s commitment to nurturing the startup ecosystem but also revealed novel approaches to funding and investment. What was once considered unconventional for a traditional national bank has now become an integral part of NatWest’s forward-thinking approach.

The changing mindset around funding was a central theme, with investors increasingly seeking avenues that promise not just financial returns but also contribute to a brighter and more sustainable future. NatWest’s evolving stance reflects a profound shift in the financial landscape, aligning with the growing global emphasis on sustainability and innovation.

We extend our sincere appreciation to Debbie Lewis for orchestrating the insightful roundtable and to Michele D’Souza for facilitating the event at the MK Hub. Their efforts have allowed for a collaborative exchange of ideas that will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of Volador FlyTech’s future endeavors.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey toward a sustainable and innovative future in the aviation industry.